Pastor's Pen

A Study in Delusion (Part 1) A delusion is a persistent false belief regarding oneself (or other persons-objects) that is maintained in spite of indisputable evidence to the contrary. The victims of delusion consistently embrace the false as true. In short, they believe a lie. None of us like to think of ourselves as susceptible to delusion. But the scriptures reveal that all of us, with the proper preconditioning, can be snookered.

The KJV makes two references to delusion. The first is found in Isaiah 66:4 (“delusions”). The second is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 (“delusion”). An analysis of each text will demonstrate that delusion exists in epidemic proportions within the America culture. In this Pen, we will examine its first usage: Isaiah 66:4.

In Isaiah 66:1-4, the Lord was looking for individuals who (1) were aware of their spiritual need, (2) possessed a spirit that was contrite (broken) over personal sin, and (3) trembled at his word (66:2). God issued a clarion call, but the nation did not hear, and none answered (66:4). Israel chose their own ways instead, and found delightful a myriad of abominations in which their God had no delight (66:3-4).

A reading of 66:3 reveals that God’s major bone of contention with Israel was the turning of a sanctified religion into sacrilege. First in the list of indictments was killing an ox as if slaying a man. Why does a man kill another man? He’s revengeful, full of anger! In every ox sacrificed was contempt for the God who mandated it! Second was failure to grasp the significance of the lamb as prefiguring Messiah. As far as they were concerned, it might as well have been a dog. Third was the equating of oblations to swine’s blood. Can you imagine what an affront the second and third indictments were to the God of redemption? Fourth was the burning of incense in a manner that was worship-free. They might as well have burned it to an idol. Serious indictments indeed!

The Lord responded to their choices as follows: “I also will chose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them” (66:4). The word “delusions” is instructive. It’s the Hebrew word ta’aluwl (“wantonness vexation, petulance, childishness"). In its only other biblical usage, it is translated “babes” (3:4). Now, a petulant man is insolent or rude in speech or behavior as one would expect from a child who has a problem with authority. Comparing scripture with scripture leads me to conclude that the “delusions” of 66:4 are a second reference to the “babes” of 3:4. Both lie within similar judgment contexts. A feature of that judgment is God giving them children for their princes and “babes” to rule over them. Do not confuse the “babes” God gives in judgment with those out of whose mouths God has ordained strength (Psalm 8:2, which Jesus cited with rejoicing in Luke 10:21).

The petulant babes of Isaiah 3:1-8, who would one day occupy Israel’s leadership, lacked the gravitas to provide spiritual, moral and military strength for the nation. Contrariwise, they would oppress the nation and oversee its ruination. The agenda of these “babes” is thus described: dismantling the military (3:2), corrupting the judiciary (3:2), attacking the prophets (3:2), dismissing the wisdom of sages (3:2), inhibiting the free enterprise of skilled artisans (3:3), and censoring eloquent orators (3:3). These, my friend, are a few of the realities in play when God in judgment turns a nation over to its delusions and fears by putting “babes” in charge.

The history of Israel with its track record of petulant leadership is being repeated in America! The current White House administration is essentially a cadre of “babes” actively pursuing an Isaiah 3 agenda. At some point they will arrive at replication unless deterred. If you and I were not aware of the Isaiah source for the aforementioned realities, we might have easily mistaken them for a compilation of 2010 headlines from any number of Christian and or conservative news outlets.

As a theological-political conservative and registered Independent, I perceive widespread corruption and cowardice in both major parties. At the end of the day, God Almighty will hold every nation accountable for the manner in which it responded to his truth. God has given America much, and therefore much is required. He is no respecter of persons or nations.

America appears to be in the midst of divine judgment with “babes” at the helm. They are trampling our Constitution, stacking the Supreme Court with activists, erasing our liberties on a daily basis, destroying the private-sector economy (the domain of skilled artisans), accusing our prophets of hate speech, and consistently giving deference to demonic Islam at the expense of Israel and the Christian faith. There are those who firmly believe that our leaders are simply trying to dig their way out of an inherited mess. But evidence to the contrary is indisputable! They are the mess!

Without a spiritual awakening that restores the God of the Bible to his proper place in our national dialogue, the America we have known and loved will cease to exist! Ronald Reagan said it best: "If we ever forget that we're one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under." In the next Pen, we’ll look at the second reference to delusion: 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

Don Roberts

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